Tag Archives: psychedelic

The Great Watcher

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From the Microcosmicon, 27:

The psychonauts’ submarine plunged into the Inmost Ocean, the depths of the collective unconscious where the whirlpool roared. A wound throbbed at the bottom of it, through which meaning bled out of reality, leaving the world stunned under a pall of grayness.

“There’s something,” one of them shouted, as the sub spiraled down toward the abyss.
“Don’t be silly, there can’t be anything beyond reality,” another responded.

“Wake up!” Dr. Ferguson’s voice broke in, saving them just as they were approaching the point of no return.
Their vision disappeared from the screen as they awoke.

“What did you see?”
“An eye.”


The Great Watcher

A Loose Page From Dr. Ferguson’s Copy of the DSM

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From the Microcosmicon, 24:

It is not a place, but a state of mind. No one is especially predisposed. You reach it the same way you reach the wrong conclusion or the wrong address.

Initially, you are aware of it. It begins as a deviation in your thinking patterns, like a secondary route through the woods. All made perfect sense a minute earlier. Now something doesn’t. Then, nothing makes sense, so there’s nothing to be aware of.

And suddenly an endless residential area stretches out before your mind’s eyes, empty under an empty sky.
Now you are where barely any psychonaut can find you.

A loose page from Dr. Ferguson’s Copy of the DSM


Like the Wind

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From the Microcosmicon, 8:

The psychonauts’s capsule plunged into the collective psychic pool. The mysterious song no one had been able to identify slithered between their minds like the wind, guiding them away from the surface.

Lyrics evaporated one word into the other, notes became colors and colors became suns, and queen bees nested in them.

There it was, lodged between a memory and a desire for more, the cosmic song whose origin they’d been commissioned to investigate. They managed to unstick it.

Excited, they made for the surface. But they’d strayed too far. The mystery they’d entered was dissolving, fog-like, sweeping them along.

the most mysterious song on the internet