Recommended Links

Here are some links to sites and people I like and recommend. The list will grow over time.

Renaissance Astrology (EN) Christopher Warnock is a leading authority in the field of Renaissance astrology and astrological magic. His Magic course has greatly influenced me.

Feng Shui School (EN) by Alan Stirling. Since I discovered Feng Shui this is one of my favorite websites. I’m also one of his students.

Astro-Feng Shui (EN) by Joseph Yu. Another great place to start learning Feng Shui

Associazione Le Tarot (ITA/EN) Founded by Andrea Vitali, this is possibly the single best resource for serious historical research on Tarot. Professor Vitali also offers tarot reading courses that have greatly influenced my approach.

Cuori e Fiori (ITA) a forum board about cartomancy and divination in general

Museo dei Tarocchi (ITA/EN) on my wishlist for a trip. They also publish books at Mutus Liber (ITA)

Germana Tartari (ITA) is a practitioner of traditional Italian cartomancy with the Bolognese tarot, her writing is mesmerizing and insightful. She is the author of Tarocchino Bolognese. Storia e Divinazione

Etienne Valancourt (ITA) is a practitioner of traditional Italian cartomancy with the Vera Sibilla. His youtube channel is dedicated to this art.

Holly Lisle (EN) has nothing to do with esoterics and divination. She is a writer and writing teacher. I loved her books growing up and I loved her writing classes as an adult

Nick Farrell (EN) is one of the best occult authors around. His blog is eminently enjoyable to read and contains great information

Strategic Sorcery (EN) by Jason Miller is another go-to site for us little sorcerers

Art of Cartomancy (EN) by Manuel Arcuri is a great resource for people studying cartomancy with playing cards. Unfortunately the author has stopped updating it.

Enneagram Institute (EN) is a good place to start learning about the Enneagram

Fortune-teller, Story-teller